The National Grid spans the UK and the US and supplies electricity and gas efficiently and safely. Aside from being one of the biggest energy providers in the world, working for the National Grid is an accolade in itself, and the company offers an extensive training and recruitment process. This article will touch upon National Grid apprenticeships, interview questions, and the National Grid online assessment.

The Benefits of Working for the National Grid

The National Grid is the operating system of electricity and gas supply in the whole of the UK. The organisation manages the distribution and network of energy that powers homes and businesses alike. National Grid is leading the change in decarbonising the energy system. Not only is it idea-driven when it comes to incubating new ideas, but it continues to drive change throughout the energy industry. Working for the National Grid has become a coveted position in the recruitment world, and, with its top-class apprenticeship programme, you can learn on the job too. But what other benefits are there when working for the National Grid? Here are just a few:

You will be working for a renowned organisation that continues to grow. Working for the National Grid enhances your CV, as it is a reputable company to be associated with. Once you have completed the National Grid apprenticeship programme, you will be offered a full-time position within the company. You will be part of a team that is changing the energy industry for good. This is perfect for candidates interested in science and the environment. Working at the National Grid enables employees to create new ideas for better, more efficient energy. Whether you start as an apprentice or a recent graduate, there is ample time and space to expand within the business. There is also a department that focuses on the digital side; therefore, if you are not an engineer, there are still many exciting positions to aim for. Once you start working there, the National Grid has some good benefit packages; for example, affordable healthcare, wellbeing programmes, work-life balance and financial security. It also offers programs that encourage education and career advancement. This includes external and internal training and tuition reimbursement. National Grid has been considered one of the world’s most ethical companies for four years running and one of the best companies to work for.

As well as the company benefits and company progression, National Grid could be a career for life; therefore, longevity is an important benefit.

National Grid Job Opportunities

From graduate jobs in engineering to roles within the digital side of the business, there are plenty of different roles within the business to look through. For example, you are an accountant and are looking to be part of the National Grid’s finance department. The careers section on its website will direct you to relevant roles within that sector. The same goes for engineers and property. Whether you are beginning your career straight from school or are a professional looking for a career change, then the National Grid might be the organisation for you.


If you already possess several years’ experience working as a professional in your field, then you might experience a different recruitment process than if you were joining the company’s apprenticeship programme. A few of the roles you might come across for professionals looks like this:

Corporate Property

If you want to join the business’s corporate property department, then you will be helping to manage all the properties that work within the National Grid’s network. If you have experience in repair and maintenance services and managing facilities, then this could potentially be the job for you. Working in corporate property also means you must analyse areas to ensure they are using the space effectively and safely.

Electricity Transmission

This is for someone who wants to keep reviewing the process of electricity transmission to ensure it is the most efficient and effective service for everyone involved. Consisting of roughly 7,200 km of overhead lines and 1,400 km of underground cable, you will be part of a team responsible for actioning asset and network policies to ensure electricity is always flowing around the entire network.

Human Resources (HR)

If you are a professional within human resources, then working for National Grid could be the job for you. You will be responsible for supporting the leaders of the business with finding the best people for the job and ensuring things run smoothly whilst understanding employees’ priorities.

Graduate Programmes

If you are fresh out of school or just want to start a new career in energy, then the National Grid’s graduate programme could be just the thing. You also have the choice to register for an apprenticeship programme. You will first need to register your interest on the website. This way, the company will keep you up to date with all the new talent programmes and what you can expect from the recruitment process. You will also see content from several National Grid interns and apprentices who have already joined the programme and what their own journey was like when they started. Please note, there are different forms to apply for a graduate position, apprenticeship and undergraduate; therefore, ensure you understand what you are applying for before you complete the initial application. As mentioned above, if you complete the programme and apprenticeship, this usually results in you gaining a full-time position within the company. For an apprenticeship, you have the choice of the following:

STEM – Science, technology, engineering, maths Non-STEM No preference

You will also be able to note whether it is an advanced apprenticeship, higher education apprenticeship or degree. All of this must be specified when completing your application.

What Is the National Grid Application Process Like?

If you are looking to join the National Grid as an apprentice, graduate or intern, you will want to learn about the application process before you start to prepare you for all the different stages:

First Stage

The first stage of the process will be for you to sign up on the National Grid’s website to receive alerts about any new positions.

Second Stage

You will need to complete the National Grid online application form. Ensure you are specific about what you are applying for, whether it be an apprentice, intern or graduate position. It should take up to one hour to finish the application; however, there is an option for you to save it and go back to it at a later stage. Research the National Grid before you apply, and make sure you have your educational details and qualifications to hand before applying.

Third Stage

After you have completed the application, there will be a video interview. This stage consists of several competency-based questions that focus on a variety of your work ethic and overall personality. The location is flexible, and you can conduct the interview anywhere and at any time. Think about a space that has no distractions and that will ensure focus.

Fourth Stage

Once you have completed the third stage of the recruitment process, you will be asked to complete a series of short games online that look at your emotional, cognitive and social abilities. To do this, you will need to be able to access tech that can connect you online. You will receive more information about the assessment centre nearer the time. The activities during the assessment period will differ depending on whether you are applying for a graduate course, apprenticeship or internship. The one thing that remains the same, however, is the welcome section and the fact that you will always have to answer a variety of interview questions. If you are applying for the graduate programme, you will be provided with 90 minutes to give a presentation that you will need to have ready before you visit the centre. The presentation is an important part of the assessment process for all candidates. You will be working from a case study based on the role you are applying for; therefore, you will need to know the job description inside and out. There will also be a group exercise so that your teamwork skills can be assessed. The National Grid stresses that it is not the speed or accuracy of the task that counts but the process of how you come to your conclusions. During the group activity, you will be monitored to detect how well you work in a group setting, your teamwork skills and whether you show leadership abilities. These are important traits to showcase, and it is good to prepare for this before your visit. The interview section will be competency-based. You will need to demonstrate your planning and organisational skills, communication, customer service skills, and commercial awareness. Here are some example questions you might be asked:

“There are many competitors within the energy industry. Tell us why you want to join National Grid?” “What type of work environment do you enjoy working in?”

To answer these questions sufficiently, it is key you do your homework and make notes before you reach this stage.

Top Tips for Applying to National Grid

As well as researching the company you are applying to thoroughly, you must research the recruitment process also. While you will be inundated with handy information from National Grid itself, it is good to see what to expect beforehand. One good way to do this is by reading stories from other candidates, for example. Here is a round-up of our top tips:


Read up on National Grid; read about the company’s values, developments, industry news and anything you think might be beneficial to you. The more you know, the better. To use this information effectively, we would recommend writing it in your own words so you fully understand what you have researched and feel comfortable writing and discussing it.

Application Tips and Assessment Ideas

As mentioned earlier, we would recommend reading up on the recruitment process and the National Grid assessment centre so you know what to expect. There is content out there that will provide practice interview questions and information about the competency-based questions you will be asked and the most effective ways to answer them. The National Grid also provides a pre-assessment handbook that you should read before you visit.

Explore How to Use the Star Method

‘STAR’ stands for:

Situation Task Action Result

Find a relevant situation you might have found yourself in that is similar to the one you could find yourself in while working at the National Grid. This method will not work if the anecdote is not relevant to the job. Then, explore the situation you found yourself in. Highlight the task. Show how you took action to resolve the situation. Last but not least, share the result.

Final Thoughts

Working at one of the world’s top energy providers has several benefits; however, to receive these benefits, you will have to be prepared for an extensive recruitment process. The National Grid will provide all the information you will need and will give guidance every step of the way. Use your initiative to prepare for all stages of the process, whether you are applying to the apprenticeship programme, graduate scheme or undergrad scheme. Showing you have come prepared is an alluring quality to an assessor. Familiarising yourself with the process will set you up for success.