Behind those closed doors, amidst the darkness that spreads when you enter the world of your loneliness away from the world, the beast in you comes out. You cry and cry but find none to understand your pain and help you to get through it. You then try to write it all out to flow the pain but then the words don’t seem like making sense. You spend so many sleepless nights and every next morning gives you hope but those hopes work only for a short while. In the midst of making others happy, you forget your own pain for a while but that doesn’t kill the need of having someone who would look beyond that happy face.

And then you need to realize that you are the only one who can help yourself. Rest all of them are deceiving, you need to get up, fight and win over all your demons. Keep spreading the happiness around but build up a fountain of the same inside you as well since you too deserve all the love that you give. It’s difficult, fighting through that phase all by yourself when all you get from the world is being pushed down again to the darkest hole, but just don’t give up. I know you’re reading this because you can somehow relate, you are trying to find the hopes from around the world but the biggest hope lies in your own self. Ask yourself, what are you gaining out of the pain that you are in? Nothing for sure!

But there’s none who understands your pain right? Why do you need to make them understand? What will they do even if they understood? Will they live your life for you? No. You are the one who needs to do the efforts, who has to live your life and who needs to come out of that phase all of your own. Find new reasons to live, look for happiness around the world and inside yourself. Stop sitting in that darkest corner of your room. Go out, try getting involved with people, if not, try to find what you’re looking for. Go in the arms of nature, it heals. Figure out what you want from life. Don’t let a series of occurrences disturb the rest of your life. Live with your scars, kiss them on your own. Be proud of all your fights and get up to finally win that battle that you’ve been fighting since so long! If you consider yourself as weak, you will lose. Think yourself as a fighter who’s going to win no matter what. Expect from your own self and fulfill those expectations. Pamper yourself with all those chocolates and cakes and whatever you like. Stop being insecure of yourself. The ones true to you won’t care if you even look like a zombie.

Start living again! Make efforts. Make yourself happy. Shut down all those who try to bring you down, they are nobody to you. You can simply let yourself drown because of them or stand up and shout that none can defeat you or bring you down! The choice is completely yours, to lose yourself to the darkness or to find the brightness once again. The world is beautiful. And I’m not saying this out of “just saying” but I’ve been through this. I’m still fighting but after all this time, I’ve learnt the biggest lessons and most importantly, I’ve learned how to find happiness for my own. Just know how to make the efforts, how to fight and how to live. This world has a lot more in store for you and its never the end until you personally give up. Stand up, fight and make your world a happy one. Everything lies in your hands. Be your own hero. Featured image credits: BBC

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How to Be Your Own Hero  - 75How to Be Your Own Hero  - 93How to Be Your Own Hero  - 34