Why Choose a Wooden Friend?

First of all, with such a toy you will not think of its harmful components. Rubber, synthetic, toxic, and even iron materials reside in the past. Today, you still can find a big and ugly cube that may hurt a body or dolls made from quick-burning materials. Organic wooden toys have nothing to do with danger. All our range of wooden eco-friendly toys contributes to the brio and development of a kid. Moreover, they are all nice in touch. So, parents will not face the events when their little ones throw away, for example, the pyramid.   Besides, Ecotoki wooden toys may educate. Play with the train and railway explaining the purpose of transport. Or, show how constructor works by building climbing blocks. The knowledge about the professions is only a small part of how our toys can benefit. Imagination is another pillar eco toys may evoke in children. What about the daughter-mother game, or what do you think about creating a small version of the kitchen and prepare there food set?  

Best Reasons Turn to Us

We have an equal assortment of items for both girls and boys. While little ladies may enjoy rocking horse or pretend they are executives behind the playhouse. Boys have car, races, and animal sets to feel themselves, zoologists. Of course, our team strictly examines the relevance of each toy, but also we like to study and play with them too to understand how they can affect children’s minds. Other reasons are:  

Well-proven brands. We work only with reputable companies who also think of the environmental care, and who want to get rid of dangerous components found in toys. Wendy, Thomas, Grimms are the representatives of our stock. If speaking of Grimm’s rainbow playsets, at a first glance you may think what is the purpose of such colors. Actually, they affect friendliness in children, and they get used to pleasant and bright colors instead of dull and dark ones that may produce grumpiness.


They cannot hurt the baby. For instance, the frames of a toy house are polished, and even after several attempts to scratch a body, such activity did not show the results. Eco-toys are secure, and parents may even leave a baby with them alone.


Best customer support and affordable prices. You may also wonder that such toys will have exorbitant prices but no. They match the quality, and any paying capacity will be met.

  Come and choose the best friendly toy to educate your kid.

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