Basic Duties of a Librarian:

Small libraries usually have only a single person managing the entire library. They don’t need library technicians or managing staffs. A single person handles all kind of work and a temporary technician might be hired for timely requirements. While in large libraries, the sole work of the librarian is to provide service to the customer and the other responsibilities are divided among other staffs. The administrative services are also taken care by separate person.

Types of librarians:

Work schedules of librarians are quite similar to the professionals of the field they are working in. The librarians who are working in schools and colleges have working hours quite similar to the teachers and have similar offs. The librarians working in law firms or corporate libraries have to work normal business hours. However, sometime they have to stay back to fulfil targets and such. The qualification required to be a librarian is generally master’s degree in library science. However, in some places a teaching certificate or any similar degree is required.

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