The My Ami Buggy II (the “My” there feels a little cloying, but whatever) is a lot like the first iteration: an Ami with the doors replaced by swing-out bars, an opening roof, and what looks like slightly more rugged wheels and tires. The only picture in the press release is the one up there, but I did find this fun little video:

Looks good with the tire chains, I think! I’m not sure I’d want to drive it in the frigid interior of a snow globe, but you know, some people have more tolerance to cold. The My Ami Buggy II has the same specs as the normal city car version: 28 mph top speed, 46 miles of range from the 5.5kWh battery, and if it’s priced like the first one, should cost about €9,790, which is just over $10,000 American money-papers. Maybe a lot for a big toy, but not a lot for an EV, and, as my experience with the Changli has taught me, you can handle a shockingly large amount of your transportation needs with a pretty minimal EV. Also, and I’m guessing here, but I think if you’re an American and want one, the official answer is merde dure.

Citro n Is Making Another Batch Of Their Goofy  10 000 EV Beach Buggy - 27Citro n Is Making Another Batch Of Their Goofy  10 000 EV Beach Buggy - 56