In most cases, BED occurs during early adulthood for both men and women. In general, BED refers to an eating disorder that is primarily characterized by existing episodes of eating huge amounts of food in one sitting. More often than not, people who suffer from BED lose control of their eating habits and subsequently feel ashamed or guilty after bingeing. It is, however, important to note that BED is treatable. Deciding to seek help for BED is a huge step towards recovery. Research studies revealed that more than 65 percent of people who asked for help stop bingeing. This is why it essential for everyone to identify the telltale signs of BED before asking r a psychologist. Houston TX has a variety of psychologists who specialize in treating BED and other eating disorders. What are the symptoms of binge eating disorder? How do you know if you’re suffering from one?  Keep scrolling.

Inability to Control the Amount of Food You Eat

Perhaps the most obvious sign of BED is the incapacity to contain your eating behaviour. More often than not, binge-eating episodes normally occur twice per week for 180 days or more. Always remember that the severity of BED is likely identified based on how often it occurs in one week. While binge-eating is normally associated with being overweight, keep in mind that BED can also occur in people with an average weight.

Feeling Stressed and Anxious

Are you experiencing stress or anxiety which is only going away after you’re full? If yes, then you need to seek help from a qualified psychologist. You don’t have to overeat to avoid stress or anxiety. It could only be a binge eating disorder. A psychologist houston tx will be more than willing to help you deal with the problem.

Inability to Experience Satiation

Are you eating a large amount of food and not feeling satisfied? You don’t experience satiation no matter the amount of food you eat. Then you could be suffering from binge eating disorder. Often, a diet that lacks fiber, protein, and fat may result in frequently feeling hungry. Bear in mind that the inability to experience satiation may also be a sign of chronic stress.

Stocking Food to Eat Secretly

Do you stockpile food and hide it to eat secretly? Piling up a bag of cookies or chips under your bed or in your closet may likely indicate BED. It clearly shows that you have no power over your consumption rates or when to stop.


Binge eating is a mental health problem that needs to be addressed immediately. If you experience any or all of the above symptoms, seek medical help. A qualified psychologist or therapist will be more than willing to assist you in minimizing eating binges and developing healthy eating habits to put you in control of your life.

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