If you are an adventure-junkie, Antarctica is the perfect place for you to visit. Getting to Antarctica will be the first adventure you embark on during your trip. In the Summer months (November-March) some of the ice melts and allows for ships to bring passengers to the mainland. You’ll likely make the journey on an ice-breaker, and once you make it over, you can use an inflatable dinghy with an outbound motor to explore the waters surrounding the islands and mainlands. Aside from boating, you can also kayak between glaciers in Antarctica! If you prefer to stay on land, you can always have a campfire, go cross-country skiing or mountaineering. There’s no better way to see Antarctica than on one of the Antarctica tours. When planning your journey, you’ll be happy to know that Antarctica tours do not sell tours based on commission. They work with you to pick the perfect tour for your individualized trip. You’ll also be happy to know that the team of tour guides at Antarctica tours is extremely knowledgeable and put your experience and safety as their top priority. The staff is there to answer questions when you are preparing for the trip as well as after you arrive. You can pick from a variety of destinations including South Georgia and Falkland Islands, The Antarctic Penninsula, and the South Pole, just to name a few. An Antarctica tour is an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life! There is something magical about watching penguins frolic and play on the ice that they call home. In addition to penguins, you’ll have the opportunity to get an up-close and personal look at a variety of animals, including birds, fish, whales, and seals! No matter where you travel, there is usually always a bit of history that you can learn. Antarctica is no exception. As per some antarctica facts, when you visit Antarctica you will have the opportunity to visit Scott’s Hut at Cape Evans where you will be transported back in time to the year 1911. The Hut appears to be frozen in time with even a large pile of blubber that was used in the blubber stove back in the day. Whether you are an experienced photographer or just like to document your trip through your iPhone, you will have a breathtaking landscape and a host of wildlife to photograph during your trip to Antarctica. Since you can only visit Antarctica in the Summer months, you’ll be lucky enough to experience 24 hours of sunlight during your trip. What will you do with all of your extra hours of daylight?

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